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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Spring Fever!

It's hard to be a perfectionistic workaholic when it's so beautiful outside. And perhaps this is a VERY GOOD thing. It's easy to get caught up in the to dos and worries of life...to the point that you forget to enjoy it. My problem is that I often feel guilty if I'm not doing something productive. If I read a book for the sake of building curriculum - fine. If I read a book for my own personal enjoyment, take a walk, or go out and actually do something fun....I feel like I'm slacking on responsibility. I should be grocery shopping, doing laundry, writing a best-selling novel, making lesson plans. Of course I justify in some strange way watching mindless tv or being on facebook for hours on end. These are my ways of quiet rebellion, but perhaps it's because I can also do other things while I do these. I can do laundry and watch tv. I can research lesson plans or work on powerpoints for school while I take intermitent facebook breaks...but to completely let go and enjoy something that's not for anyone else's benefit but my own - that does not come naturally to me. Of course it's a balance. You can't just do what you want all the time...but I think I need to make fun more of a priority in my life.

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